Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles - Season 2 : Episode 4


  • Animation
  • Drama
  • Action & Adventure
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy

After Rio escapes the capital of the Beltrum Kingdom with his former teacher Celia Claire and his bond spirit, Aishia, he finds himself in a dire situation once again. As it turns out, multiple people from his past life in Japan are suddenly scattered around the new world. Rio rushes to their help, saving a small group and taking them under his wing. To his surprise, one of the rescuees is his old self's childhood friend Miharu Ayase. The newcomers were not the only ones summoned. With old friends and new allies by his side, Rio sets out to locate the other abductees while searching for a way to send them back to Japan. However, Rio never loses sight of his main goal: avenging his mother's death.

Season 2 Episodes


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